Ontario Track3 Adaptive Sports Association is a volunteer based charity enabling kids and youth with disabilities to discover their confidence, develop their talents and achieve their physical potential through the freedom of snow sports.
Rowan’s Law
Certain aspects of Rowan’s Law regarding Concussions came into effect on Monday, July 1st, 2019. This is what it means for our Track3 Members. Any volunteer and/or participant who registers with after July 1st 2019 needs to do the following two things:
Confirm they have read a Ministry Approved Concussion Awareness Resource.
Confirm they have reviewed, and committed to, the Track3 policies including Code of Concussion Conduct.
Below are the Ministry Approved Concussion Resources. There are three options based on the ages that we are serving:
Concussion Awareness Resources Ages 10 and under –CLICK HERE.
Concussion Awareness Resources Ages 11 to 14 –CLICK HERE.
Concussion Awareness Resources Ages 15 and up –CLICK HERE.
Our new Code of Concussion Conduct policies will be presented to all new and returning volunteers and participant families. In our ongoing efforts to deliver a safe, fun, learning experience, Track3 members will be required to affirm their understanding of Rowan's Law, as it pertains to our programs, during our online registration process.