The key to delivering a successful season starts and ends with volunteers.
Whether they are on the hill or in the chalet, behind the scenes or front and centre at our events, we make tracks in the snow because volunteers care.
We enable volunteer heroes with the training and resources and in turn, they create smiles and change lives.
Track3 happens because of dedicated people
Instruct athletes to ski, we always dedicate two instructors to an athlete. No special certification is required. Track3 provides training for all instructors. You must have strong communication skills, be able to ski in control and have patience and understanding of our athletes' needs. The minimum age for instructors is 17, the minimum age for assistants is 15.
Instruct athlete to snowboard, usually two instructors per athlete. No special certification is required. Track3 provides training for all instructors. You must have strong communications skills, be able to snowboard in control and have patience and understanding of our athletes' needs. The minimum age for instructors is 17, the minimum age for assistants is 15.
Assist on buses; assist athletes during breaks & lunches; transport athletes; control, monitor & distribute medication; assist in keeping facilities clean.
Ensure all children taking the buses are able to get on and off safely; assist athlete and other staff during bus transportation; arrange breakfast pick up at breakfast stop; collect medications from athlete and provide to program directors.
Organize weekly program and scheduling with the athlete and staff; provide record keeping; co-ordinate staff training.
Assist with administrative tasks at the hill, at the office and during events; occasionally provide assistance with office administration such as mailings, stuffing envelopes, phone call blitzes, soliciting products and items for silent or live auctions.
Assist with fundraising initiatives and long range planning for the organization.
Procure auction items for all events; hands-on participation in preparation for pre-event set up and post-event tear-down. Also, procuring auction items for all events.
Each and every volunteer is supported through training so that your commitment to Track3 provides a rewarding experience. We offer free clinics, both informational and practical, to provide volunteers with the opportunity to develop new skills, feel supported in their role and are equipped to help us deliver our mission.
Generally speaking, the annual commitment for new volunteers involves two days of practical training, one day of orientation followed by seven teaching days/evenings over a seven-week period with our athletes'. Returning volunteers commit to optional upgrade training, one day of orientation and seven teaching days/evenings. Check back soon to see our Winter 2022 Program Dates. They will be similar to last year's Winter 2020 Program Dates which can be found here.
New volunteers register by completing the online form LINK HERE. A detailed volunteer package will be sent via email outlining training details, specific time and date information, insurance and registration requirements.
Returning volunteers register annually to maintain their insurance coverage and if desired, register for upgrading certification with Track3. LINK HERE to register as a returning volunteer. All volunteers and students become registered annual members of Ontario Track3.
Training is broken down into several stages, to provide ongoing support for all volunteer positions.
Join us for an indoor session in the fall to learn more about our Association, meet some of our instructors and other new recruits and set yourself up for the best seven days of the alpine season! Call our office for date and location specifics!
Training required for support volunteers will be provided on the day of orientation, during the first program week prior to the athletes' start date. The Program Director will let you know who is in charge of the support volunteers at your hill of choice. This is the only training required.
On-Hill clinic training (first full weekend in January) assesses volunteer capability from beginners to advanced, and provides training in the techniques and adaptive equipment that can be used with our athletes. There are several levels of training offered. The on-hill practical training takes place at Craigleith Ski Club in Collingwood. Bus transportation to and from Collingwood on both days is available (registration must be completed to secure transportation). At the completion of this training, new instructors/assistants will be assigned a program placement (based partly on your chosen program location) and a classification based on your skill level. Likewise, returning instructors who have successfully upgraded their skills will return to their program placements. We ask that you attend both days of the practical training clinic. If you miss the indoor and/or the on-hill clinics, you can still be a volunteer but you will be classified differently until such time that you have taken this training.
It is very important that you attend the area orientation of your hill. You will learn about your host hill facility and site specific safety. Student profiles will be reviewed to prepare for the program start the following week. Additionally, recertification for returning volunteer instructors is completed at Orientation.
Occasionally, Track3 offers additional workshop events and forums. Contact our office for details about upcoming informational events!
Before the start of our season, Track3 arranges a workshop to offer training support for our volunteers to teach youth with autism, cognitive and/or communication challenges. This session provides an overview of cognitive disability and basic techniques and strategies to help volunteers work effectively with our athletes. This training is optional and space is limited. Registration takes place through our central office. Link HERE to see the December 2020 Presentation details.
There is an opportunity to further develop your skills through various levels of instruction offered by Track3 in adaptive skiing, cognitive support training and snowboarding. There is no obligation to progress to a different level: it is your choice whether to progress or whether you are content as an assistant instructor or Level 1 instructor.
As part of our overall commitment to safety and risk management, we have developed a screening policy for all volunteers at Track3. Level 1, 2 and 3 Instructors (Volunteer Instructors who wear a Red Jacket) are required to perform a Police Record Check. Assistant Instructors (Volunteers who wear a Yellow Jacket and student volunteers under 17 years of age) are not presently required to have a Police Record Check. Link HERE for details.
The Board of Directors continually generate, review and upgrade policy statements. Policies related to volunteer engagement are presented to all new and returning volunteers during the annual registration process. Click HERE for policies
All volunteer instructors are required to wear a shell jacket or vest to identify themselves to other instructors, to our host hills but most importantly, to our athletes'. This is for safety reasons for our athletes so they do not go off with someone other than a Track3 member. Red Jackets are supplied at cost and yellow jackets or vests are loaned to our volunteer instructors. During the volunteer registration process, Track3 members are offered jacket purchase/loan opportunities.
Volunteers are provided with ongoing training, an instructor manual (if applicable), a lift ticket for each program day, a name badge free of charge, and an instructor pin. For high school students, a letter of reference and signed community hours forms are available by contacting the office. Volunteers are also offered opportunities for discounted rates at various events throughout the year.
This year, our inventory includes new and gently used red jackets, as well as a few different styles at different price points. CLICK HERE to read our Uniform Policy. Jackets are allocated as supplies last. Be sure to indicate your preference and we will do our best to fill your order request.
The office gratefully accepts gently used red jackets.
Effective Winter 2019, Assistant Volunteers will be provided with a Yellow vest or Yellow jacket on a “loan or own” basis. A deposit of $75 will be refunded when the piece is returned to Track3 after the volunteer no longer requires the yellow uniform.